ss_blog_claim=67e92efd63fe88f85f6935471a3236eb Insights on Search Engine Optimization: Your Blog as an advertising medium?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Your Blog as an advertising medium?

Advertising for me is an art form to express freedom in making business. The approach is forever varying that there are so many strategies founded to ease the way in achieving ones goal to be noticed. Blog, I can say, is one of the best answers to this kind of marketing freedom that I’m talking about.

Unlike online articles or contents on a website, Blogs are more concise. Yes, they are short or would only talk briefly about a certain topic but they are crisp with information. They also create a hippy impression to the viewers that even with just the mention of the name - ‘Blog’ - already creates an impact. You get my drift?

As an SEO researcher and consultant and a family business manager, thru the years, I’ve learned that to deal with competition sometimes you have to take it easy in your marketing approach. Yes, you have to be extra careful with your every decision but you also have to consider the fact that you’re dealing with your viewer’s interest. You have to always think both ways – the one arrow pointing to you and the arrow pointing to your customer. I’m not saying that

you have to take the back seat and just watch your business grow or suffer before your eyes and just do minor fixes. What I’m saying is you’ve got to have or find ways to be able to deliver in ease and feel the freedom to just be what your business can be. Alright, so that line I just said right there nearly gave my grandmother a heart-attack on a gathering about our family business. He-he. But seriously, get some hassle-free ideas to market your business like getting yourself a Blog for example.

Tips on this thought:
- If you’re a business owner who also happens to have a website up and running, consider creating a Blog for you and your business.
- Identify yourself as the legitimate owner of the business.
- Create write-ups using your own views about your products or services.
- Write and write some more!
- Be as candid as you can be. Anyways, Blog is hippie so no need to be serious and all that.
- Make connections to your colleagues’ own Blog sites.
- Use your Blog as a back link of your website.
- Freely share your opinion on why your customers should make an effort to check you out.
- But don’t expect too much from your Blog sit. The best you can get from it is your viewer’s feedback, nothing more nothing less.

I’ve experimented on this idea by simply updating regularly my personal Blog even with just simple entries about what I’m currently going thru right now as an individual (this Blog of course has connections to my friends’ Blog sites and other network community sites - i.e.,, and, etc.). Now, every time I post an entry to this Blog they’d be able to read my status, insights and all, be it good and bad remarks, you know.

One time I posted the same *entry I have on to my personal Blog. The next day, I got a comment from a viewer in Bahrain saying that I was running out of ideas and all. I’m just saying, Bahrain? I mean --- I have viewers from Bahrain? That’s like wow, right? So, can you imagine just how much useful it is?

*Sorry, I already deleted the post just ver recently so I’m sure the comment went with it to the drain.

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